For the past 26 years Bulkley Electric Ltd. has provided quality electrical services for residential, commercial, and industrial projects through out western Canada. We are proud of our history that is marked by quality workmanship and service. We look forward to continuing this tradition in all of our current and future projects. Below you will find some of our key projects and satisfied customers. Contact us today and add your business to this list.
Alberta Plywood Ltd.
- Installation of new dryers
Houston Forest Products
- Installation of new planer
West Fraser Timber Co. – PIR Div.
- Installation of new planer
- Installation of new edger and Bio-Scan
- Design and installation of new sub-station
- Construction and power distribution for two 35 MBTU energy systems
Tolko Industries – Merrit Div.
- Push lug sorter conversion
- Log deck controls upgrade
Sundance Forest Industries
- Construction of 70 MBTU energy system
Coastland Wood Products
- Construction of 24 MBTU energy system
Richmond Plywood
- Construction of 100,000 PPH steam plant
Morning Glory Farm Sawmill
- Design, construction and automation of a new sawmill
Kitwanga Forest Products
- Design, construction and automation of a new sawmill
Pretivm Resources Inc. – Brucejack
- Design and installation of surface and underground electrical services
Gavin Mines Inc.
- Design and installation of surface and underground electrical systems
Murphy Oil Corporation – Tupper Gas Plant
- Construction of gas fired thermal oil heater
Encana Corporation
- Construction of gas fired thermal oil heater
Enbridge Inc.
- Construction of gas fired glycol heater